Mike, thanks for this solid analysis of the issue; spot on. May the Lord give grace and strength to those who faithfully contend for the faith as under shepherds of the Great Shepherd.

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Mike, thank you for this very timely article. Your beliefs and sentiments are right in line with the new Bible study we started on Tuesday, Another Gospel by Alisa Childers. I believe it served as a definite affirmation that we are in the correct study. After the study on Tuesday, I heard several of the ladies say they were not aware of what was going on in some churches. It is of utmost importance that the body of Christ stays diligent during these times. Thank you for being a pastor that definitely puts “the vertical view “ at upmost importance. I know through personal experience the weight that a pastor takes on. Praise God it is He, through the work of the Holy Spirit, that enables pastors to complete the call He placed on their lives. God continue to fill you and bless you as you shepherd LBC.

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So true and most relevant. Love your passion for Him!

2 Corinthians 3:4-6

[4] Such is the confidence that we have through Christ toward God. [5] Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God, [6] who has made us sufficient to be ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

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Mike, a great response. Yes, affirming the horizontal to the neglect of the vertical can leave anyone spiritually empty. As you know, I have posted on this also at https://georgebullard.substack.com/p/departure-why-i-left-the-church. I personally believe there are deficiencies in the PCUSA model having consulted with churches, Presbyteries, and the national office over the years that lend itself to a more horizontal than vertical approach. I mourn with this pastor. I have encountered a few places and people of health and strength in PCUSA, but not enough. I mourn with all pastors and churches facing ministry in a post-pandemic era without a clear, empowering vision from God by which they are captivated. George

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